Aspect Ratio 1:2

Friday, January 27, 2012


Aren't you glad to be hearin' from me?????


hehejk that was obnoxious XD

Anyways, since you're obviously viewing my blog as you read this, then you probably noticed that somethings changed..... hmm... what could it be? OH WAIT.

And now you're probably gettin' mad at me for screaming at you so much today D:

sorry for the obnoxiousness/loudness, I'm just so excited about this whole new design that people might think I'm high XD This, coupled with the recent things that have been happening to my life, is just making me all the more excited for no reason! I shall list them and maybe you will begin to understand the amazing things happening to me right now!

1) Completely redesigned blog - It took me the whole of about two nights to complete this reformation!   and I'm completely pleased with the results! Comment below what you think or what I should add! <3

2) My discovering of a blogger app for the iPod will let me update better/more efficiently/ more frequently than before :D

3) FINISHED WITH MIDTERMS - mwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahlaksdjfhpqwailj >:{D

4) Got a haircut that makes me look like a totally different person <3 Basically I got it cut above the shoulders and got golden highlights X3

5) Finally ate my first ice cream in months (since summer) :D It's probably one of the main reasons why I am so hyper right now XD

6) I figured out how to embed HTML pictures onto the blog posts! <--- this took me forever! 

7) Held an awesome Photoshoot of Frei... pics came out beautiful as always! They are located under the "Photography" tab at the top :3

8) I FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE PAGES ON BLOGGER (I'm stupid and just found out after almost a year >w<)

9) I've decided on my next doll!! I will create a proper blog post later on :)

10) My dad offered to pay off half of my doll! (almost $350) :O 

11) I'm attending the birthday party of a close friend tomorrow <3

12) I created a Glogster account and I am having fun with it! (as can be seen in my Photography Tab)

13) I embarked on some pretty serious graphic animation stuffs (MMD) which got me so excited about my future ^w^

14) I swear I am getting better at Photoshop........ XD

15) I began reading Inheritence (from the Eragon series by Christopher Paolini) It is one of my favorite book series! :D

16) I started some giant Minecraft project. I am building a huge castle!! >:D



well that's it, I guess. I ran out of things to list X3 Hehe, cya on the flipside!



  1. Maybe you could add... idk??? * scratches head* Hmmmmm.... OK this is hard 'cause yourblog is PERFECT!!!
