Aspect Ratio 1:2

Saturday, July 7, 2012



No excuses this time, but I might as well start writing about this new to you (but fairly old to me) addiction while I have the free time and more particularly, the motivativation.

For those who are good at psychoanalysis: yes, I am in a pretty bad mood right now and that is the reason why I need to post something up on this blog and keep to my thoughts for a while. C'est la vie- such is life.


Yes, it is Homestuck An interactive webcomic that was brought to life in 2009 by the genius Andrew Hussie, and has recently been the object of my days and the focus of my life ever since I discovered this diamond in the rough.

Homestuck is centered around a game played by 4 kids known as Sburb-- a game that manipul8s not only game functions and player surroundings, but also reality. The object of the game is influenced by preset anomalies and varies from session to session. As such, most of the beginning acts (1-4) are centered around the 4 friends and how they cope with the extinction of humanity (as a cause of their playing Sburb), the loss and recovering of diseased love ones, the discovery of alien worlds as presented in each kid's respective Medium, and the constant contact with otherworldy beings known as trolls (both figuratively and literally). As the kids continue to play the game, they learn more and more about their universe and these trolls who employ superior knowledge about the game. The kids' session is complicated by parallel timelines and paradoxes.

Although at first, the webcomic seems slow, childish and idiotic, it is in fact quite an exhilarating read. In my opinion, the comic is geared towards the older audiences for it DOES contain a lot of profanity and death-- totally inappropriate for children. But as per usual, that is just an opinion: you are entitled to your own. 

Lastly, here are some words of wisdom for those who are set to read this amazing comic: BE READY TO GET ADDICTED.

So please, I implore you, especially if you haven't already, please read Homestuck. You will not be disappointed.

~ florescka

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

BJD Archives - A Horror Story

So hey guys! I know I've been inactive lately and I won't waste time explaining about it this time, since it's gonna be the same excuse/reason!


Well anyways, something really awful happened the other day, and I thought I should share this story. This godawful horror story.


It was Easter Sunday, and as a lot of Sundays transpire, it was yet again another lazy day outside - lazy as in quiet, without a single person in sight. Earlier that day, everyone went to a party at a different venue and everyone has just arrived home. Whenever we have parties around my neighborhood, it tends to be a huge thing with lots of food, games, and preparation so a lot of people that day went home and relaxed instead of going outside post-party.

Seeing this as an opportunity to hang out with a friend, I decided it would be nice to bring Frei out with me and talk to my friend over a nice little picnic. Since I participated in the games at our Easter party, I wore rubber shoes with socks. But when I went out for the mini picnic, I changed into slippers (the kind you are likely to wear to the beach). Me being stupid, I didn't take my socks off when I donned my slippers.

As I went down the stairs (I live in a 2nd floor apartment) carrying Frei with me, I slipped down 5 steps while Frei's head is ripped from her body and tumbles all the way down the bottom of the staircase! She fell down about 9 stairs!!! :O luckily though, the stairs were covered with padded carpet, and somewhat cushioned Frei's horror dive into inevitability.

I was so scared! I imagined that Frei's head would be scratched and chipped in all the worst places and that I would have to live with this regret all my life. I then took my socks and slippers off and ran down barefoot to see what damage was done. I was so surprised that, aside from a scratch on her face up, Frei was relatively damage-free! That was when I marveled at how sturdy these little guys are, and the quality of Fairyland's resin!

In the end, I still brought Frei out after feeling guilty about my little mishap. I haven't touched/moved Frei since I put her back into her makeshift cabinet-room >.<

So yeah, moral of the story: never go down the stairs with socks, slippers, and an expensive doll XD


Friday, February 24, 2012

BJD Archives - Dollie Wishes

So I guess that since I have some free time, I'll go ahead and post a little sumthing for you guys :)
Well there're some things I kinda owe you guys and first and foremost is the answer to my dollie hints!!

Well there's no more waiting! Here's the formal blog post I've promised :D
My next doll (although still subject to change) will be....


But I haz a problem :(
I'm already half way in my money chart to having enough money to buy him and my dad previously offered to shoulder the other half. I was getting all excited to purchasing him next month. However, because of recent unforeseen circumstances, he isn't able to uphold his offer, and I probably won't be able to save enough money until next year (when, I fear, the prices will go up again).

Although I feel a bit bummed with the whole thing, I can't help but be relieved that I will have more time to decide if this is the right doll for me, because honestly, I've put the hobby to an on/off hiatus because of school. In the mean time, I've conjured an agenda: pamper Frei. You heard right, it's about time I invest in Frei a little, I've neglected her so! D:

So that is that. I might edit this post in the future, but until then, this is what I've decided.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New doll? A short little update!

Hey guys! Just a short little update here for now since we're about to get into mid-winter break here :) well if you've read the previous post, then you should've read that bit where I mentioned something about making a formal post talking about my new course of action for my next dolly. Well this is not it, this is just sort of a prerequisite! Hahahahahaha XD

Well I dun feel like telling you right away what doll I'm getting so I'll give you guys 3 clues :) and I might MIGHT write about it in a formal post when I'm on the computer and not on the iPad.

Without further adieu:
1) MSD Boy

2) "sold out" (doll hint)

3) Sold as a full set, but can be bought as just the doll. (company hint)


And a couple things before I end this post!!
1) imma celebrate Mardi Gras avec ma classe du Francais :) anyone who participates in Mardi Gras is automatically awesome <3

2) Imma goin skiing' for the first time this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 sooooooo excited!!! (gonna try my best to not break any part of my body haha)


I don't really have much to say unless you want me to overload you with emotional high school stress XD (and believe me, you don't wanna hear the melodramatic stories of a female teenager) ^^;



Friday, January 27, 2012

Geekly Chic Zone: Today is Friday!!! (T.G.I.F!)

Geekly Chic Zone: Today is Friday!!! (T.G.I.F!): Finally! Today is Friday! So, anyhow today my friend(s) and I were chatting! One of my friends said, "You should write a blog post too." So,...


Aren't you glad to be hearin' from me?????


hehejk that was obnoxious XD

Anyways, since you're obviously viewing my blog as you read this, then you probably noticed that somethings changed..... hmm... what could it be? OH WAIT.

And now you're probably gettin' mad at me for screaming at you so much today D:

sorry for the obnoxiousness/loudness, I'm just so excited about this whole new design that people might think I'm high XD This, coupled with the recent things that have been happening to my life, is just making me all the more excited for no reason! I shall list them and maybe you will begin to understand the amazing things happening to me right now!

1) Completely redesigned blog - It took me the whole of about two nights to complete this reformation!   and I'm completely pleased with the results! Comment below what you think or what I should add! <3

2) My discovering of a blogger app for the iPod will let me update better/more efficiently/ more frequently than before :D

3) FINISHED WITH MIDTERMS - mwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahlaksdjfhpqwailj >:{D

4) Got a haircut that makes me look like a totally different person <3 Basically I got it cut above the shoulders and got golden highlights X3

5) Finally ate my first ice cream in months (since summer) :D It's probably one of the main reasons why I am so hyper right now XD

6) I figured out how to embed HTML pictures onto the blog posts! <--- this took me forever! 

7) Held an awesome Photoshoot of Frei... pics came out beautiful as always! They are located under the "Photography" tab at the top :3

8) I FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE PAGES ON BLOGGER (I'm stupid and just found out after almost a year >w<)

9) I've decided on my next doll!! I will create a proper blog post later on :)

10) My dad offered to pay off half of my doll! (almost $350) :O 

11) I'm attending the birthday party of a close friend tomorrow <3

12) I created a Glogster account and I am having fun with it! (as can be seen in my Photography Tab)

13) I embarked on some pretty serious graphic animation stuffs (MMD) which got me so excited about my future ^w^

14) I swear I am getting better at Photoshop........ XD

15) I began reading Inheritence (from the Eragon series by Christopher Paolini) It is one of my favorite book series! :D

16) I started some giant Minecraft project. I am building a huge castle!! >:D



well that's it, I guess. I ran out of things to list X3 Hehe, cya on the flipside!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Testing Blogger app for iPod/iPad

.... It's okay I guess... I just don't think it will work well since the app wasn't intended for the iPad :(


I think I will resort to this app for impulsive picture-worthy things or random quick blurbs! That way, I might be able to update more frequently :) YAY TECHNOLOGY! XD

So here's a quickie pic of Frei using the iPad camera's awful picture quality just to test the app capabilities......


Frei is bare because she I was using her as a model for clothing and such ;)