Aspect Ratio 1:2

Friday, February 24, 2012

BJD Archives - Dollie Wishes

So I guess that since I have some free time, I'll go ahead and post a little sumthing for you guys :)
Well there're some things I kinda owe you guys and first and foremost is the answer to my dollie hints!!

Well there's no more waiting! Here's the formal blog post I've promised :D
My next doll (although still subject to change) will be....


But I haz a problem :(
I'm already half way in my money chart to having enough money to buy him and my dad previously offered to shoulder the other half. I was getting all excited to purchasing him next month. However, because of recent unforeseen circumstances, he isn't able to uphold his offer, and I probably won't be able to save enough money until next year (when, I fear, the prices will go up again).

Although I feel a bit bummed with the whole thing, I can't help but be relieved that I will have more time to decide if this is the right doll for me, because honestly, I've put the hobby to an on/off hiatus because of school. In the mean time, I've conjured an agenda: pamper Frei. You heard right, it's about time I invest in Frei a little, I've neglected her so! D:

So that is that. I might edit this post in the future, but until then, this is what I've decided.

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