Aspect Ratio 1:2

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Thoughts on Organization

I've been seeing a lot of tv shows that portray teen rooms as disorderly and messy. It also seems that a good amount of people seem to put a stereotype on teens about their organization. I won't lie to you, most teens are like that. I included.

Believe it or not, I actually pride myself with my organization skillage. No. Not in my room. (although I should probably work on that, too)

In Technology.
Imma such a nerd >_>

In fact, I'm so organized it's kinda scary. I literally have to go through 4 different folders to get to my music. And to top it off, I put everything into genres.

 English, Jpop, New Songs, Anime, Vocaloid Collection, Music Request, Classical, Old Timey, Rap....

Don't even get me started on my school folders *shudders* >.<

I grew up (and am still living) with a mom who enforces organization into our daily life. I'm not saying that is bad. If anything, it may help me in the future. Although great and useful, the only thing that annoys me about this quality of hers is that she often throws away my things. And she never tells me about it.

Maybe it's my fault for getting so attached to material objects, no matter how simple it may be. I can't help it. My room is overflowing with useless junk with no particular place for them. It's not my choice that I'm like this. Believe me, I'm working on it.


Another Day of Meaningless Boredom - A Master List of Ideas!

You know that feeling when you're being bombed with tests and you just want school to end? You know, that feeling that just makes you yearn for summer? And all of a sudden, instead of focusing on tests, you start to day dream about all the other things you could be doing instead of all the hard work? Well, sorry kid. What I'm feelin' right now ain't anywhere close to what you're agreeing to. What I'm feeling is....

(And not because I come from an Asian heritage, mind you)

As Phineas and Ferb once said, "There's a 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation, is finding a good way to spend it."

The only problem with that is what I think is a good way to spend my time is to do something that doesn't involve strenuous muscle movement and thinking. (I'm a lazy-butt in case you haven't already figured that out -_-).

I spend most of my morning sleeping, due to the fact that my body clock sleeps at 2 in the AM and wakes up at 10. I crack open the comp or DS to keep me busy until I get hungry. By 12 noon I would have already finished eating lunch in which I proceed to laze around feeling like zombie until 5. Afterwards, I go outside and start to feel the closest to a normal teenager then go home at 8. Scary, I know >.<

Perhaps because of all this nothingness in my day, going back to school would be a blessing because then I'd be actually doing something productive. Honestly, I don't get it when people complain about school (I'm being a total hypocrite here BTW). I would much rather go to school than spend the whole day half-asleep on the couch watching disney channel shows. Really, I would. (save me please T^T)


What I've decided to do is make a Master List of 50 things that you could do to keep you from getting bored ^w^ Here goes nothing *inhale*
(I don't really have 50 things in mind so I kind of stretched it a little towards the end haha)

1) Jump out of bed/ do something different and spontaneous right when you wake up.
2) Water the plants... start your own garden!
3) Organize your room (blech XP)
4) Move the furniture in your room!
5) Take out the craft supplies... and make something!
6) Take out the sewing machine. You'll be surprised what kind of things you'll end up with.
7) Make decorations for your room!
8) Take your dog out for a walk.
9) Hide some of your sibling(s) things and make a game out of it! (make a map or something lol)
10) Try your hand at Magic! Look up videos on youtube and amaze your family!
11) Learn how to solve a rubix cube.
12) Run through the sprinklers!
13) BAKE!!!!!!
14) Think of something you want to buy... then Find ways to get money to buy it.
15) Invite friends over.
16) Swim in your pool!
17) Read something that you wouldn't in normal circumstances (if u read fantasy, then try historical etc)
18) Eat something new.
19) Learn to play an instrument.
20) Play a sport!
21) Learn a new accent... and annoy your parents/sibling(s)!
22) Plan a vacation trip for your family. And when they refuse, make another one anyway. XD
23) Do something you like but put a twist on it!
24) Spend some time outside with friends.
25) Learn a language.

(finally half way done! *phew*)

26) MAKE a language.
27) Write!
28) Have a picnic in the backyard... invite your friends!
29) Host a tea party lol
30) Start a business? EARN MONEY (lawn mowing, walking the dogs, baby sitting etc)
31) Help your dad wash the car (this can actually be pretty fun especially on a hot day)
32) Find a new band/singer to listen to.
33) Be nice to an annoying kid.
34) Watch a movie with friends.
35) Set up a blanket tent and make a hideout XD
36) Pull a prank on you sibling(s)/friend(s)
37) Go bowling!
38) Make rainbow bracelets,
39) Learn to write with your left hand.
40) Learn to write with your feet! (I’d be amazed if you actually accomplish this :o)
41) Learn how to make friendship bracelets.
42) Play a boardgame / card game.
43) Make a piggybank and try to fill it up.
44) Make your own stuffed animals!
45) Repaint your bedroom?
46) Acquire a new pet! (rock XD)
47) Draw and Paint :D
48) Volunteer to make lunch/dinner.
49) Contribute to the list of stuff to keep you from being bored.
50) BLOG!!!!

So that’s it people! 50 things and a random rant about summer! XD

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Not Old Enough?

I'm pretty sure I'm of the minority of people who can truly and honestly say
"I've never been to a sleepover".

It's not that I am unpopular (I am perhaps a little on the imfamous side XD) and its not that I have no friends who are willing enough to invite me.. No. It's because my parents think I'm too young.

Or atleast that's the excuse they're trying to spoon feed me.
(I'll be entering highschool next year)

I get that, yes they are trying to protect me. Yes, they are just thinking about my safety. and Yes, they probably don't want to leave me with people whom they don't know. (Yes, I reuse lines XD) But isn't it about time to give me more freeedom?

Just today, my mom told be that there will be other chances in the future.... and that I can go when I'm 17. 17?! SEVENTEEN?! DIX-SEPT?! asdkjhlaksjdlaksdjalskdjl *iz angry*

whatevs -_- *accepts defeat*

I'm pretty sure when I'm 17 they'll start tellin me I'm still too young or immature or bullpoop like that. Nehhh Don't mind me. I'm just a little peeved about the whole situation. I just wish they would trust me more.

- florescka

Monday, June 27, 2011

TOO EXPENSIVE! D:< My take on craftmanship

What's with the economy today?
No, seriously.

You guys probably are wondering why I sound so irritated. Well I am, deal with it. (Sorry I'm mean when I'm irritated).

Why I'm irritated is because of this:

eBay Image Hosting at

Yes. A pair of boots.
Which I've bought a couple of months ago and cherish down to its soles.

The problem I'm having is that these lovely (more like totally epic) pair of boots can easily cost you $40-80. They are made by a company called Demonia, which sells many gothic and unique shoes. They are based in Europe and therefore is priced higher than if it was made in say, China or America.

These boots are decently made and are mostly manufactured for special occassions and are not recommended for daily use. In fact since buying it used (because I'm cheap; they've only been used 3 times by the previous owner; again, I AM CHEAP), I've only worn them once for school as a demonstration to my hippie-ness. They look nice. I like them.

However, when i got home I was thoroughly annoyed when I found some of the straps falling off their stitches! *sigh* That's the last time I'm buying used >_>

That's beside the point. If I were to spend $60 (average) on a pair of boots that is being shipped from EUROPE (do you know how much that will cost!?) then I'd like them to last a little longer than 4 uses... Don't get me wrong. This is a great company known for their unique and exotic products. I like their craftmanship, and I'm not trying to kill their business, but come on guys :/


This, my friend(s), is a wonderful pair of knee-high shoes.
These wonderful kinds of boots can cost you anywhere between $15-100. This pair in particular costs $22 with free shipping from Taiwan.
Don't worry.  I'll get to my point sooner or later. Let me just find a better example.
Now this is what I'm talking about.
Boots from a highly respected Doll Company.
This pair boots are from a BJD company known as Fairyland, which is based in Korea. They are made of faux leather and are adorned with minute details which makes them very appealing. They are durable and can last a long time. Do you want to know how much this costs?
And that was without the shipping fees which oftentimes kill you (because EMS international shipping can cost about $20). Keep in mind that this was made for a doll that is just a little over a foot tall (16 inches). You can see how annoyed I am >:/
Companies in Korea and China are now having a price increase due to the stinky economy! It doesn't end there! Call now and we'll add in increased shipping rates too! Only with 3 easy payments of *goes on cursing huff huff* D:<
Please also keep in mind that I am in NO WAY trying to bring Fairyland down. I love this company and I've bought my first Dollie here. In the future, I might be able to buy other dolls from here. I'm just merely expressing my thoughts about this ridiculous prices and inflation.
So my main point here is that pricing shouldn't be based on the name or brand, it should be based on the craftmanship.  But if you've got both, then all hell rises (with increased cost)!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


If you're anything like me, then you've got that special group of people that are the craziest rascals in our entire Milky Way Galaxy.

Yes. I'm talking about FRIENDS (no not the show *gaspardo!*)

Friends.. Where would we be withouth them? Here's an answer....


You see, I've got a few select  people come into mind when I say the word "friend". I'm very selective about whom I trust and I have been known to be the socially awkward one ever since childhood. Luckily, though, I'm greatful to have been graced with certain amazing peeps and I'll just take the next few moments to talk about them :)

Drawing of My BFFLs that I made on my Birthday :)

trust me on that one.

It's hard to find people that you can be truly comfortable being with. I, however, am BLESSED to the HIGH HEAVENS ABOVE to be able to be friends with some of my classmates (you know who you are ^w^). We've had some of the craziest moments in life, we've all hung out at Red Mango (which is btw, an AMAZING frozen yogurt shop), and we've been through thick and thin (lol pervertedness XD).

We've had some great times and occassionally had to go through sad moments, but we always see the rainbow at the end. I love these guys something terrible and I care for them like they're my children (that's right, I went there! XD). It's difficult to see life without them yelling my name from the back or laughing at some crude joke I made! So thanks to all my friends out there. You've made one socially awkward fangirl smile billions of kilowats of light!


As we grow older and move on to more challenges, it hurts to think that we may be separated along the way. (did I make you cry yet? lol) So to end this Blog, let's just say that I've got 8 handcuffs and I've lost the keys.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Too early for another post? and CHIBI WARS!

So yea, this blogging stuff is gettin to my head!!
So I guess I'll go ahead and put some of my blogs from another site onto here.
This one dates back to 2009! wow imma an early blogger >.<

"Ok. So me and my group of anime/manga buddies were at lunch this lovely afternoon at school. One of my buddies thought up this awesome idea of fighting.......... With chibis!

We (well she) named this totally awesome idea, "Chibi Wars."

It is very simple. you just have to draw yourself chibi-fized and it has to make sure to reflect your personality (lab coat if you like science, bored expression all the time, etc.)

Now that you have your charcter done, get your manga buddies and get ready to draw! But first you'll have to figure out who goes first. That, I can't help you with. The point of "Chibi Wars" is to alternate turns with the people in your group and have them draw one part of the storyline. BUT the iron-clad rule is: ALWAYS BE RANDOM. Never tell what you're about to draw next so that it doesn't break the anxiety and make it less funny. It is a DISGRACE to my buddy's totally epic idea, NOT to be random. So be random!

I love this game. The first time I was told about Chibi Wars and I entered the storyline, I suddenly brought out a pokeball with pikachu inside and then my totally awesome freind (the inventor herself) had this funny idea of turning the pikachu into an evilshroom-chu, so she made the pikachu do a "dance dance evolution" inside the pokeball. It was hilarious because it showed my charcter dancing in the pokeball and pikachu in the background with a face that was saying "what the hobo". And when pikachu finally came out, it evolved and turned into a mushroom with a pikachu tail and cheeks saying "MWAHAHAHAHA Bow before the evile shroomchu! I was laughing so hard the teachers yeld at me!

Thankies for reading and plz try this game out!"

lol 7th grade with Shrooms :3 (her nickname is Shrooms... and now you see why XD)

Introductions, anime, waiting..... and MINECRAFT!

So this is my first post on my new shiny blog! (actually it's not so new since I made it last April but haven't used it until now ^^;)

What to say? I'm so new to this... it's like an online diary that anyone can read! It's all so shiny and untouched! (I'm sure you can see how newb I am to all of this lol). But I guess it's time to jump on the band wagon and publish myself one of these.

So to start this blog off, let's talk about aspect of my life:


I've always been the artsy person. I like anything and everything that has to do with art. I embrace it with such a passion that sometimes it's unhealthy! But nonetheless, art has given me a vast array of opportunites that I would have otherwise never been open to. For one, my obsession with art introduced me to some cartoons, namely anime.


Anime. Anime (Japanese animation) has been a huge defining part of my life. I've met many awesome people through this hobby, all of which I'm positive to say will be my friends for along time to come. And you know what? I don't care what people say about this hobby. Yes, it involves a lot of potty language. Yes, it involves people dying in the most... inappropriate ways. Yes, it sometimes involves rape or sex. Yes, it involves characters that drives you crazy. and Yes, it turns you into a fangirl/boy. So stick me in with the stereotypes cuz I ain't leavin this hobby anytime soon.
Another thing about anime, you say? Well it lead me to this peculiar hobby that has gotten me to spend nearly a grand.


Watching anime has led me to so many things. One these things are these dolls known as BJDs. I won't get into the OTHER things anime has gotten me to lol.
The  only sucky thing about these dolls (its kinda hard to find something i hate about them) is the horribly long waiting time! We're talking 2-3 months here, people. But first you have to dish out almost half a grand for one these babies. But they're so adorable and well made! I think it's worth every penny. (I spent a whole school year saving up allowances XD)


Please tell me you know this?
So anyways, as I've told you in the previous paragraph, doll waiting can be long and often times boring. I've spent most of it buying stuff for her... her name's Frei btw. (I still don't have her but that will be her name).

So back on topic! Urgggh there's just so much to tell!

Whilst waiting for meh dollie, I've come across this game called Minecraft.... sssSSSSsssSSSsssSSS!
This game is so addicting because you can literallly build anything! The Bob the Builder within me is awakening! lol.

So anyways! That's me in an... essay! XD (it'll be so funny if you knew me in real life XD)
