Aspect Ratio 1:2

Monday, June 27, 2011

TOO EXPENSIVE! D:< My take on craftmanship

What's with the economy today?
No, seriously.

You guys probably are wondering why I sound so irritated. Well I am, deal with it. (Sorry I'm mean when I'm irritated).

Why I'm irritated is because of this:

eBay Image Hosting at

Yes. A pair of boots.
Which I've bought a couple of months ago and cherish down to its soles.

The problem I'm having is that these lovely (more like totally epic) pair of boots can easily cost you $40-80. They are made by a company called Demonia, which sells many gothic and unique shoes. They are based in Europe and therefore is priced higher than if it was made in say, China or America.

These boots are decently made and are mostly manufactured for special occassions and are not recommended for daily use. In fact since buying it used (because I'm cheap; they've only been used 3 times by the previous owner; again, I AM CHEAP), I've only worn them once for school as a demonstration to my hippie-ness. They look nice. I like them.

However, when i got home I was thoroughly annoyed when I found some of the straps falling off their stitches! *sigh* That's the last time I'm buying used >_>

That's beside the point. If I were to spend $60 (average) on a pair of boots that is being shipped from EUROPE (do you know how much that will cost!?) then I'd like them to last a little longer than 4 uses... Don't get me wrong. This is a great company known for their unique and exotic products. I like their craftmanship, and I'm not trying to kill their business, but come on guys :/


This, my friend(s), is a wonderful pair of knee-high shoes.
These wonderful kinds of boots can cost you anywhere between $15-100. This pair in particular costs $22 with free shipping from Taiwan.
Don't worry.  I'll get to my point sooner or later. Let me just find a better example.
Now this is what I'm talking about.
Boots from a highly respected Doll Company.
This pair boots are from a BJD company known as Fairyland, which is based in Korea. They are made of faux leather and are adorned with minute details which makes them very appealing. They are durable and can last a long time. Do you want to know how much this costs?
And that was without the shipping fees which oftentimes kill you (because EMS international shipping can cost about $20). Keep in mind that this was made for a doll that is just a little over a foot tall (16 inches). You can see how annoyed I am >:/
Companies in Korea and China are now having a price increase due to the stinky economy! It doesn't end there! Call now and we'll add in increased shipping rates too! Only with 3 easy payments of *goes on cursing huff huff* D:<
Please also keep in mind that I am in NO WAY trying to bring Fairyland down. I love this company and I've bought my first Dollie here. In the future, I might be able to buy other dolls from here. I'm just merely expressing my thoughts about this ridiculous prices and inflation.
So my main point here is that pricing shouldn't be based on the name or brand, it should be based on the craftmanship.  But if you've got both, then all hell rises (with increased cost)!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. O__O Woah. Well, inflation happens, and its pretty typical to have prices based on name rather than quality. Still, though, you've gotten yourself into a pretty expensive hobby. X__X

