Aspect Ratio 1:2

Saturday, August 27, 2011

!! Impending Hurricane Irene !!

If you live in New York, as I do, then you are either 1) prepared for the category 1 hurricane or 2) have already evacuated.

Truth be told, I'm pretty scared. Not only will New York, more specifically Suffolk County Long island, be hit hard by the winds, there is also a high chance for floods. Several towns and cities have already issued mandatory evacuation, mine however still remains safe. It should not be ignored that this storm WILL cause some damage.

Yesterday, my mom went out to do some emergency shopping to buy the neccesities. You know: water bottles, canned food, water containers, hand wipes, bread and the like. She had to go to 10 different stores just to buy what we need! People are panic buying! So I sugest that if you aren't stocked up as well as you should be, go and find a friend or a relative, preferabbly OUT OF TOWN to stay at.

Here's some things to remember for the hurricane:
- know where your hurricane shelters are! In my case, we can go to Suffolk Community College.
- STOCK UP ON FOOD AND WATER. You need at least 2 gallons of water per person per day.
- STORE WATER IN ALL THINKABLE CONTAINERS. Bathtubs, pails, basins, portable coolers, cheeseball plastic jugs, coffee mate containers, cereal containers ANYTHING!
- Fill ziplock/sandwhich bags with water and fill the freezer up with them. The ice will keep your food frozen longer and will keep them from spoiling.
- STAY AWAY FROM WINDOWS. that is just stupid. Don't even sleep near one.
- designate a safe room for your family. One on the most bottom floor and preferrably with no windows.
- Make sure there are WORKING flashlights in every room. If not, make sure everyone knows where they are. buy batteries, but they are in short supply.
- DO NOT USE CANDLES. Candles are easily tipped over and may cause a fire.
- Keep all important documents (passports, medical records, deeds to houses, contracts, IDs etc) in ziplock bags and in a backpack, ready to go if need be.
- Make sure you have a first aid kit. In my case, my mom bought alcohol, and peroxide in case someone got hurt.
- EXPECT TO HAVE A POWER OUTAGE. Charge all necessities before the power goes out (cellphones, flashlights, radios, entertainment paraphernalia, iPod etc)
- Clear out your balcony/patio/backyard with items that can be easily picked up by the wind. Items such as barbeque grills, bikes, playsets, trampolines, and patio furniture should be brought inside.
- DO NOT DRAIN THE WATER IN YOUR POOL. The water weighs the pool down so that it can't be picked up by the wind.
- KEEP INFORMED. stay on the weaher channel to see the latest happenings and forecasts.
- If there is mandatory evac, LEAVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Don't wait until the rain starts to pour. The smart people leave when the sun is out.


As of yet, mine town is still on warning.
Please Keep Safe Everyone!
May God Bless Us With His Protection!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BJD Archives - Junkyspot Order/Frei's New Eyes!

Here's to firsts at everything!!! :D
This here is my first order of MSC and my first order from Junkyspot!

This is what the order contained:
- MSC Flat
- Glib 16mm Violet eyes (acrylic)
- Marshmallow candy
- 3 Junkyspot cards (which I just realized that they want me to give them out or somethin)

Well anyways, onto the video! <3


Sunday, August 21, 2011

BJD Archives - STOP MOTION - Frei :D

Here's to first attempts at everything!! :D I've been wanting to do one of these before summer ends.... and school starts :'(



Saturday, August 20, 2011

No More Flickr :( + tiny Update

Apparently I've exceeded my upload capacity of 200 photos on Flickr (something I did NOT know about) and I'm too adamant about not taking any of them down. I'll keep the existing pics up for everyone, but I'll try to find a free image hosting site that allows you to view my pictures.

If all else fails, I'll condense the pictures from photoshoots/etc onto videos that I will upload onto YouTube (I'm actually liking this more than the other ideas). A link for my YouTube page is located on the bottom of the page.


Facebook update:
I've made an account for Frei XD (scroll down to bottom of page; there is a link)

This account is purely out of whimisical fun and boredom, and might be my final option for image sharing. On this profile, I'll be giving out constant updates, random blurbs, and whatever I've got on my mind- I mean, Frei's mind ^w^;

HOWEVER, I do have privacy options up to keep trolls and spammers out of her page so you can only view them if you add her as a friend. Please also keep in mind that I will refrain from adding everyone who clicks the sends out a friend request because she is connected to a lot of my friends' personal accounts. Thanks for understanding!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

BJD Archives - Piccys!! XD

:D I know it's been a looooooooong time, but you should be glad to know that I've been having mini photoshoots here and there :) I have only gotten the motivation to post them up now.... and man have they piled up! Well enjoy! (also check out my flickr for others ^w^)

This particular series of pictures includes outdoors scenes and natural settings ;D
Feel free to listen to some music while you veiw~!

I absolutely love this next pic because of the random muffin XD
Photo cred goes to AJ, my friend :3

>:D mwahahahahaha >:D




Hope you guys enjoyes yourself :D



Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Going Back to Childhood & Current Obssessions

A couple of days ago, I was overcome with a desire to do something that is so out of normal routine that it might seem laughable. Yes. I wanted to revisit the past.

The past is not really something I like to remember willingly; that is, just to clarify things, something so out of "normality" that it usually doesn't even cross my mind. I've done so a multiple times throughout life here in America and often it leaves me in a good mood. Rarely does it bring lackluster memories.

I'm not exactly sure when this craze consumed me; around August 12th at the most. I was simply sitting on my bed, still completely emersed in my routine, when I had a simple craving to watch a show from my childhood. Little did i know that soon, I will be so overcome by this show, and so immersed in it, you may call it an obsession, that I sometimes stress myself from regretting to do summer homework.


First aired in Fall of 2004, I remembered seeing this show during my youthful years at home. The theme song was something that almost brought tears of happiness to my eyes because of its familiarity. Being quite an old show, I'm sure that most people around my age can recall such a classic as this. But if you do not, that's fine, too. At least now you know about this diamond in the rough :D

The story revolves around a seemingly scary doctor, ahem surgeon, who's rightfully named Black Jack, and his companion, Pinoco; a short, sweet, rambunctious girl. Backstory aside, Black Jack is a mastermind surgeon, an elite in his class. His, I bate my breath here, only fault is that he charges ridiculous prices for his services. He does, however, maintain a percievable kindness and empathetic mind when the patient exhibits a strong sense of something that I can't really put my finger on right now. Many people see him as a quack doctor. Others respect him. But only one person understands him.

That is Pinoco, his I would like to say, "adoptive daughter". Pinoco is like a housekeeper to Black Jack. She cleans, cooks, and oftentimes helps Black Jack with his surgeries. She also doesn't go to school. But she delivers humor and fun to the series. Black Jack also cares for Pinoco just like any father would his child. Not to be mistaken that Pinoco is somewhat like a servant, she is also the sub-protagonist of the series. Keep in mind that she plays a fundamental part in the plot. There is a huuuuuuge backstory to her but I won't spoil anything for if you ever do decide to watch this classic.

Also, to get away from this whole review-esque atmosphere, there was something I was quite pleased with while I watched. That is: Black Jack has an uncanny resemblance to Allen Walker XD

Don't believe me?
See for yourself.



haha jk it was mostly their clothes >w<

So riding the obsession train, I've got something to confess.
(Are you scared? Well you should be.)

Lately I've been trying out different stuff. One of my more familiar ones would be Minecraft. Another would be taking photos of Frei. And sometimes, playing random games to see which would suit my fancy.


I've lost interest in this topic which doesn't happen AT ALL.

In my defense, Lady Gaga music videos distracted me... THEY ARE SUCH A WORK OF ART T^T they're so beautiful T^T (that, ofcourse, is different from arist to artist).

P.S. please don't make fun of my favorite singer.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Want You Gone - Poetry inspired from Portal by BJV

This poem won't make sense unless you play Portal, a computer game.

Basically it is about this research facility called Aperture that conducts tests on humans (aka the person you are playing as). Aperture runs experiments on people concerning a gun that produces portals, hence the name of the game. A robot known as GlaDos oversee these experiments (she is the one who is singing) and teach you about the special gun, but in the end of the experiments, she tries to kill you by making you fall into a pit of fire; meanwhile offering you cake in your "accomplishment" party. But you escape and she slowly gets angry. At the end of Portal, you disable GlaDos. The song "Want You Gone" from Portal 2 reflects some of the mishaps from the first game. Basically, GlaDos got resurrected and you try to kill her again. Shes not too pleased with that idea.

/end backstory XD


Want You Gone
by BJ

I can’t help but notice
That only you could fill my heart with happiness
And only you can steal it away from me.

Staring into darkness,
All my thoughts were made for you,
Did you know that?

I thought we had each other?
I thought only you deserved to live.
So much for trust.
It wasn’t even worth a slice of cake.

Remember when you saw her?
Her glamour stole the light from your eyes.
How you emptied your mind of me?
Are you going to leave me like everyone else?

Do you remember how we laughed?
How we comforted our tormented souls?
But apparently it wasn’t enough
To make me dead.

I was such a fool
To think that you were worth it
When you tried to kill me twice?
Am I that evil?

I’m Sorry.
I’ll leave you now.
I really wanted to share this cake with you.
Well it’s too late now.
Now I only want you gone.



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

BoreSumMen & MaDra XD

Boredom + Summer + Men & Make Up + Mama Drama
 BoreSumMen & MaDra lol

Ahahahahaha, Pheonix-chan, you have pushed a button that taps the most inner creative recesses of my fanatic mind! XD (in other words, I was, coincidentally, in the mood to write - lol)

Anyways, I'm back in less time than I thought I would be. But, in all honesty, THIS is what happens when boredom knocks and you answer the door... I'm not saying that I don't enjoy doing this. In fact, I actually like sitting down on my nice comfy bed trapped in a bevy of the cuddliest pillows (I have 5 with me right now), with the A/C purifying the room with its coldness and just letting go of everything and anything that has grown and established itself in my mind. It's fun :D Right now, several things have been teasing me; all of which have attained a certain importance and value whether it may seem useless and boring to you.


It's over in less than a month. And for those who have the audacity to have gotten into those higher level classes such as me, then you know that time is running out. I'm talking about summer homework. Who the FART was the smart butt who invented this rubbish? I mean, come on, HOMEWORK for SUMMER?! More so, It would be a great help if a certain people would trust me more because lately, my mom has been getting on my case for a lot of things; one of the more exulted things would be summer homework, sleeping routines and cleaning up my room. I guess you can say that it started a little over a month ago, during our trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey. She built a small tantrum into a gigantic emotional quarell about my not handing her her caramel ice cream at McDonald's. You can bet she gave me angry tears and the cold shoulder for the next few hours -_- *sigh* After that, everything became as it was; but I think she learned to give me a little bit of respect (she started using "please"). I won't lie to you. I love my mom, but sometimes she can be very scary. (I don't think I'll ever show her my blog ^^;)

Don't worry guys, I'm dutifully doing homework even though I have to force-feed myself. Notice how I used so many vocabulary words! I don't need your pity.

On to more interesting topics, and away from more dull ones like my earlier rant. I have something to share that's been bothering me for quite a while now and this is the topic of Men & Makeup.

Is there something wrong with it? I think it's perfectly fine to see boys with make up on, no matter how warped my aesthetic vision is due to my exposure to such life-changing paraphernalia (aka Anime).  After all, it is meant to adourn a face with complimenting colors that usually enhance appearances. I think it is utterly unethical to call a man who wears something that appears most on a woman's face gay, because in the same sense, women aren't belittled when they are seen wearing pants (this sounds weird, I know, but back in the old days, pants were worn by men and women wore skirts).


I do understand that because of modern values and circumstances, men who exhibit this can expect to get what is coming to them. Namely, some sort of feedback. But back onto what I've trying to tell you all this time. This topic of make up came about when I was doing a search for a preferrably male companion for Frei, my BJD by her lonesome. That's when I realized that I can not escape the fact that I would need to paint a face on the boy. Faces are easy to paint. Believe me, they are. The conundrum I faced (get it? XD) leaned toward the blushing and shading.

As you can ascertain, many faces on a male doll can come across as effeminate. The choice of hair (or wigs) doesn't help much either. Often, I read about stories of how people mistake OBVIOUSLY (like they're topless or something) male dolls for female ones just because their cheeks are a little rosy or they have eye shadow and long lashes. How can I compete for manliness in this very obscure world?! Not to mention, I have quite a strong sense of determining between genders due to my journey in the anime world. Except for Justin Bieber. I know he's a girl.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's Been Eating My Mind? - Another Update

Hello all!
As I know you like hearing from me (Narcissim ACTIVATE! XD), i have come back with another one of those update thing-a-majigs :)

Listing, yays :3

1) Started watching Fairy Tail. (an anime).. I'm on episode 58 <3

2) THIS SONG IS STUCK IN MY HEAD... like a week ago


4) I finished one of two required summer books :) Adventures of Tom Sawyer left to go <3

5) 3 essays left to do for Pre-AP World History *face palm*

6) My Aunt is at my house and is going to stay for a couple of days :)


8)Trying to hold photoshoots for Frei, my lonesome BJD :3

aaaaaaaand that about covers it up! Short post this time beefed with many pictures and videos XD


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

BJD Archives - Frei's First Photoshoot :)

Frei is an amazing person XD she can pull off so many different emotions and moods it's just amazing!

This first photoshoot has a central idea of "The Art of Losing" but all the pictures aren't necessarily related to each other. This set also includes other "happier" themed pictures for fun XD

[please play song as you look at the pictures <3]

And so it begins.....

The Art of Losing








