Aspect Ratio 1:2

Saturday, August 27, 2011

!! Impending Hurricane Irene !!

If you live in New York, as I do, then you are either 1) prepared for the category 1 hurricane or 2) have already evacuated.

Truth be told, I'm pretty scared. Not only will New York, more specifically Suffolk County Long island, be hit hard by the winds, there is also a high chance for floods. Several towns and cities have already issued mandatory evacuation, mine however still remains safe. It should not be ignored that this storm WILL cause some damage.

Yesterday, my mom went out to do some emergency shopping to buy the neccesities. You know: water bottles, canned food, water containers, hand wipes, bread and the like. She had to go to 10 different stores just to buy what we need! People are panic buying! So I sugest that if you aren't stocked up as well as you should be, go and find a friend or a relative, preferabbly OUT OF TOWN to stay at.

Here's some things to remember for the hurricane:
- know where your hurricane shelters are! In my case, we can go to Suffolk Community College.
- STOCK UP ON FOOD AND WATER. You need at least 2 gallons of water per person per day.
- STORE WATER IN ALL THINKABLE CONTAINERS. Bathtubs, pails, basins, portable coolers, cheeseball plastic jugs, coffee mate containers, cereal containers ANYTHING!
- Fill ziplock/sandwhich bags with water and fill the freezer up with them. The ice will keep your food frozen longer and will keep them from spoiling.
- STAY AWAY FROM WINDOWS. that is just stupid. Don't even sleep near one.
- designate a safe room for your family. One on the most bottom floor and preferrably with no windows.
- Make sure there are WORKING flashlights in every room. If not, make sure everyone knows where they are. buy batteries, but they are in short supply.
- DO NOT USE CANDLES. Candles are easily tipped over and may cause a fire.
- Keep all important documents (passports, medical records, deeds to houses, contracts, IDs etc) in ziplock bags and in a backpack, ready to go if need be.
- Make sure you have a first aid kit. In my case, my mom bought alcohol, and peroxide in case someone got hurt.
- EXPECT TO HAVE A POWER OUTAGE. Charge all necessities before the power goes out (cellphones, flashlights, radios, entertainment paraphernalia, iPod etc)
- Clear out your balcony/patio/backyard with items that can be easily picked up by the wind. Items such as barbeque grills, bikes, playsets, trampolines, and patio furniture should be brought inside.
- DO NOT DRAIN THE WATER IN YOUR POOL. The water weighs the pool down so that it can't be picked up by the wind.
- KEEP INFORMED. stay on the weaher channel to see the latest happenings and forecasts.
- If there is mandatory evac, LEAVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Don't wait until the rain starts to pour. The smart people leave when the sun is out.


As of yet, mine town is still on warning.
Please Keep Safe Everyone!
May God Bless Us With His Protection!


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