Aspect Ratio 1:2

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Do I Listen To?

So back from my month long hiatus! :D (actually more than a month .-.)
Firstly, I iz sowwie for leavin u guys hangin..... Don't kill me ; _ ;
I have excellent reasons! I truly do! And if you've been following me recently, then you should know the reason why I haven't posted anything lately... that's right.... HIGSCHOOL! I know that this is getting a bit redundant, but yeah. I'm still getting used to the adjustments and stuffz >w> Secondly, I've been kinda busy during my off times (weekends) trying to catch up my lost sleep during the week -_- Thirdly, I've been bombarded with special occasions throughout the month that I am thus obligated to celebrate XD. Sorry, my friends love me and invite me to every FREAKIN' party; and just to let you know, I'm not bragging. It's annoying.

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day (Armistice) and I've got a 3-day torture weekend ahead of me since my teachers all decided to load crap on my already packed agenda.... so I'll be posting stuff more in a few seconds because I might not be able to post anything else in the next few days. Today, I thought I'll take it easy and make a little music challenge for everyone :3

DISCLAIMER: I wrote this post the day before Veteran's Day and forgot to finish it lol

The prompt is fairly simple. There will be topics and you'll just add a song from youtube that fits the criteria. Then label the post "What Do I Listen To?" :)
 P.S. remember to use only 1 song once and only one answer per prompt XD

Feel Free to omit anything that you don't want to do :)
Still confused? Well let's see how I did it:


What Do I Listen To?

Sexy and I Know It - LMFAO

You & I - Lady Gaga

ET - Katy Perry

Hair - Lady Gaga

When I'm Gone - Eminem

Heartbeat - Stereo Skyline

U.G.L.Y. - Daphne & Celeste

Want You Gone - Jonathan Coulton
Okay... Maybe not quite so evil XD

U Can't Touch This - MC Hammer

Baby Got Back - Sir Mix Alot

In Italia - Fabi Fibra

Love the Way You Lie - Eminem ft. Rihanna

Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley

Super Bass - Nicki Minaj

Lyric-less Song :O
Explosive - Bond

(NOTE: Can't be a foreign language)
I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
(Anime version!!!! >:D)

(Before 2000)
American Pie - Don McClean

Pokemon Theme Songs


Justin Bieber

Nicki Minaj

Lady Gaga

There are too many to list haha!

(use percents; you can make this part up)
70%  Rap
20%  Pop
7% Intrumentals or foreign
3% Whatever I feel like listening to atm.
<1% gospel or religious

Monday, October 10, 2011

BJD Archives - A New Look For Frei? :o

The weekend inspired me to create a whole know fantabulous look for Frei! :o
It took a lot of errors and mistakes in order for me to create this new outfit for her, but oh well! Imma so proud of it! :3

I guess I'm going to integrate this whole new look of hers into a sort of alter ego? maybe? idk, let's see what happens ;)
Enjoy the smexiness that is Frei <3



Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Like, No Offense, You know?"

No offense, but, like, that shirt is kinda ugly, you know?

Sound familiar? Well, unless you've been living under a rock for the last god-knows-how-long-when, then this should be all too prevalent in modern pop culture. But, if you're anything like me, then you're one of those people who hates it when people say stuff like that. Not only does it contradict what you are really trying to say, but it also distracts the person from hearing what you have to say; it also sometimes comes across as, like, you know, mean and inconsiderate.

I started to reflect on this a while back, and I thought that it was finally time to write a formal blog post about it. I'd watched this random, but funny, video about the phrase "no offense" and how it's being used more often to deliberately insult the person you are talking to. This is how it sounds like to me, whenever I hear it being said:

No offense, I think you're failing English, but, you know, you can't be angry at me because I said "no offense".
No offense, people, but "no offense" isn't a passport to insult other people. Especially girls. More specifically your mom.

Oh but to make it all the more wonderful, "they" (I use "they" lightly here) talk in that obnoxious valley girl accent with a need to ultimately pronounce the word "like" every other, like, word. LIKE is not an interjection that you can use to fill in the spaces within words and thoughts. Please don't use the word as a filler; it will lose its meaning. It's not too terribly difficult to do so. Throughout this rant/lecture thingy, have you seen/read an instance where I used the word "like" the way it wasn't intended to be used? No, not once. But since I'm a total hypocrite and bas+ard hybrid, I'm gonna say that I don't talk like this in real life. I'm not trying to berate anyone. So please, don't be offended. If anything, I'm insulting myself as well as the  majority of teen population.

This can't be seen in just girls; guys, too, may have this diction. But as we grow older and more mature, the way we speak, the vocabulary we use, and almost everything, or at least a great majority of how we talk changes. Interestingly enough, I've noted that the highest 10% (more or less) of teenagers considered "smart and mature" actually don't use the word "like" when they speak. But that is only from opinion and experience. But, of course, that is coming from someone who enjoys herself with immaturity.

Oh and we forgot to, you know, talk about "you know".

The thing is, I don't know. I understand that you can have brainfarts or something that you just can't recall or remember, but slapping on the "you know" in the sentence won't help matters. If anything, you will either get your point across with minimum confusion, or you won't get your point across at all and chaos breaks lose. Similar to "like", "you know" is not and should not be used as an interjection. It confuses the person!

"Can you me get the.. the.. the.. you know! I need it for the... uh... the thing!"

"When is the thing?" "The what?"  "You know, the thing. The thing that we have to get ready for." "THE WHAT!?" "YOU KNOW!"

"Whatcha gonna be for Halloween?" "Oh well, you know" "I do?" "Yea, I showed it to you. I'm gonna be the... well you know."


Did I get my point across?
Well that's good, I hope you learned as much as I did when I started to research this.
Yes I research stuff like this (I have no life).
But if you're anything like me, then you probably got absolutely no substance from this whole post. And for that, I commend you for your ability to stay awake long enough to finish :)

Well see y'all in another post!
Thanks for reading/following me! It's nice to know that some people read what I publish <3


Saturday, October 1, 2011

BJD Archives - Stockpiled pics and first faceups!

Well it's been a while since a dolly-related post so I thought it would be nice to post up some pictures and status updates :3

See the new picture at the top? oh yeah! I've been busy during my hiatus! *iz boss*

hehehehehehehe XD

anyways, here goes to ten thousand different pictures <3
jk.... mostly... XD

First up is 3 pictures from post-Irene "tropical storm"
This is Frei by a fallen tree :)

Thoughts on angle? anyone?
sowwie for bluriness!!! DX
Yays for intended bluriness <3 Not yay for fallen tree hitting electric line D:
(I had no electricity for about a week)


Next are faceups.... um...  all I can say is: "At least I'm improving!"

First attempt *iz ashamed* XP
faceup style: "pin-up gals"
Second attempt *starts to grin wildly* :D
face up style: angelic/understated

Third Attempt *bounces around crazily!* X3
face up style: fantasy/elven

As you can see, I have improved A LOT in such a short time (about a week or two).

I iz proud of meh work!!!


Next a picture of Frei with and without eyelashes....
Just to show the difference :)
Left: without / Right: with

The left eye looks so naked without the lashes :(

So now she has both eyelashes! <3 XD

feelin proud (and sleepy) for what I've accomplished so far! X3

I've also gotten a package recently!! :] I'm debating on whether I should post up the box opening of the package, but it's not really "that" important to I guess I'll this moment pass for now...

But to no further adieu, the contents of the package are:



Epic new shoes!

Pants and hoodie!

Close up ~~~~ I can tell that Frei is quite pleased, herself!

Another hoodie~~ <3
You say tomboy-ish, I say "IN CHARACTER!" XD


And that concludes all the pictures I've been wanting to share C:
I actually have other stored away somewhere but those can wait.. right now I needz some sleep *yawn*

Nighty night, don't let the failing economy kill your brain cells!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Highschool Rant Time! Freshman Year!

Warning: the title is a lie, I actually quite like some aspects of highschool life.

Well glad to be back to blogging, no really, I am!
I would rather blog then say, do 3 full essay rewrites in one week.
Darn you, PreAP World History! >:O

Anyways, I've come back. I'm alive I tell you, ALIVE!!!
There's so much to tell, so don't be surprised to see several blog posts soon. Don't worry, the night is still young. Besides, I'm not really the type of person to post several things consecutively. Today is just my way of apologizing for my somewhat long hiatus <3 Yes, I love you guys <3

So on to more thoughts....

If you've read my latest blog post, then you should've have learned that I just started highschool this year. I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone when I say that I was actually pretty psyched for highschool. "Just think about it, greater freedom, cellphones, all the good sh!t"

Well I'm here to tell you, that they are not as good as it all seemed at that time. In highschool, they raise the bar. High, too. Pretty soon you'll realize that they treated us like babies in Middle School-- one step at a time. Oh and it get's better! They guide you using baby steps during 8th grade, give you a fantabulous end of the year dance, then a super awesome graduation! so now you're in highschool and the moment you decide to walk back into the middle school, you're rejected by the staff in its entirety. WTF!!! I mean, I get that we're technically not supposed to be there anymore, but seriously, just when we had some of the best years of our life there, we're treated like foreigners, like we never even existed. It just saddens me :(

And to top it all off, the teachers in highschool don't give a poop about you. Well that's what I feel like, at least. What I mean is, they treated us so specially in Middle School, and the teachers were basically our friends.... then someone rips off the bandage and you find out that you're in this school with ten times the students, and you're just another body in a group of hundreds. The teachers are either too busy to chat with, or just not approachable.

Oh and the walking in the school is not so delectable either. On certain days, I have to cut through over 2 floors AND half the school in 4 minutes in a crowded hallway/stairs and open a locker to get things out just to get to my orchestra class! WHY!!!! >:O

Then at the end of the day, I'm so physically tired from the walking and the combined weight of my back pack (about 20-30 lbs varying from day to day) that I can nap for hours before I do my homework... And sometimes homework keeps me up until 11 pm (I wake up at 5:30am).

I'm gonna have to get used to this.... and quick!
Luckily, tho, I am at Rosh Hashannah (Im pretty sure I spelt that wrong) break right now and I'm gonna enjoy the next 4 days in style.... that's right! I'm gonna be sleepin in and catching up all the lost hours of sleep <3

You're jealous. I know you are!
MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! <-- iz a sleepy Asian

Monday, September 12, 2011

Going Back To School

Hey all!!

It's been a long time since I came around,
It's been a long time, but I'm back in town ;)

Who got the Lady Gaga reference? HA! YOU SIR (or ma'am) ARE EPIC!!! >:D

Anyways back on topic :)
It's been a while since you've heard from me and that's only because school started last Wednesday and I've been uber busy and tired since. Last week, I began my tread down the Highschool road :3

Needless to say, I made a huge mistake on the first day as a freshman. I missed an entire period. That's right. AN ENTIRE PERIOD. Only because my schedule sucks eggs and is too stingy to spare me a lunch time daily :< Well at least I straightened everything out with my teacher at the beginning of the next period. *sigh*

I tend to sigh a lot, huh?


Well, today I got to manage some free time and went ahead outside to hang out with Frei and friends :D
Man it feels so good to feel the fresh air! <3
Oh and I mixed in some pics of forgotten indoor shoots ^w^




Saturday, September 3, 2011

AFTERMATH & Thoughts on Portal


Hurricane Irene passed Long Island on August 28, 2011, a Sunday. However, we were quite lucky that 1) The hurricane had downgraded to a category 1 from a 3 and 2) we only had two trees fall in my area.

No one was hurt. No one had to evacuate.

But we had no electricity. We haven't had it since early Sunday morning (2AM) 'till about 10 AM this morning. That's roughly 4-5 days of no electricity. We survived on candlelight and flashlights at night, and most of our food in the fridge spoiled. But we're all alright, and that's the only thing that matters to me.

P.S. I almost forgot what the bathroom looked like with the lights on O.o


If you go a couple of blog posts back (Want You Gone - Poetry Inspired from Portal by BJV), I wrote a small summary of a particular game called Portal. I, literally, just finished the game an hour ago and I thought that it might be exciting to share the story behind its plot because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT <3. By the way, the Portal series have just become one of my favorite games. It's up there with Kingdom Hearts and Zelda series ^w^

First off, Portal is a puzzle game. If you're good at puzzle solving, then this is the game for you. And if you're not, its still the game for you. I hold on to the belief that anyone can like this game because of its extremely unique gameplay and plot.

Second, this game can be traumatizing at parts. An evil robot trying to kill you might be scary (I'll admit that I was scared at times, too). Otherwise, it's a pretty addicting game.

Third, Portal can make you very dizzy. It might also cause strain to your eyes if you play in the dark (or maybe that was just because I was playing too close to the screen lol).

All of the simple stuff aside, let's talk about plot!

Portal is a game with many MANY different components and characters. And, if you're anything like me, then you like complex plots with a strange gratifying outcome.

First the backstory:
Cave Johnson, founder and creator of Aperture Science Innovators, has a knack and thirst for science. He started out by selling shower curtains; quite a bit back before he turned evil scientist. From his growing business of shower curtains, he bought a large salt mine which had a bevy of connected caves. This was to set the stage for the future Aperture Science Laboratories that we all know and love.

Soon, Aperture Labs began to coduct experiments on various objects such as gels that they created, inventions that propel mass, robots, and of course, the portal gun. One of their most infamous creations is known as GlaDOS, an AI designed to put test subjects through courses that test their products and also has control over the whole facility. They also mass recruited many people off of the streets as test subjects; one of them known as Chell, the person you are playing as (pictured above).

But GlaDOS had a flaw, and that was that she turns rogue and often had to be shut down so as to keep her from killing everyone. To try to fix this flaw, Cave Johnson and all of the Aperture Science innovators installed conscience spheres into her to try to keep her from malfunctioning.

A little bit before or after this, Cave Johnson became very sick because of his contact with one of his products known as conversion gel, a substance that makes it possible to have portal surfaces, but is also apparently made of ground up moon rocks. Cave Johnson had a companion in his endeavors, a woman named Caroline who has an even crazier thirst for science than Mr. Johnson. As he was dying, he requested for his "being" to be programmed into a robot. He died before the staff could do this so instead they put Caroline into GlaDOS successfully.

/fast forward

At the beginning of Portal 1, you wake up in a cell to GlaDOS' talking. She then teaches you the basics: how to create portals, how to use the objects in the game, how to use momentum and whatnot. There are 19 levels of problem solving. Along the way, she compliments you about how well you are doing and even offers you cake in the end at your achievement party; and so from there is coined the popular term "The cake is a lie".

heh. So you're at the last test and you finish it. Great. Awesome. Wonderful. Congrats. Except that now that you're no good anymore, and GlaDOS wants to kill you off! But you escape and run through behind the scenes where she can't see you. Eventually you reach GlaDOS, evil robot and all, and you disable her.

At the end of Portal 1, GlaDOS is disabled (you "killed" her) and the facility explodes which rockets you up into the surface. The ending cutscenes show fading wisps of you being dragged back into the remains by a robot. The credits at the end shows GlaDOS singing a song for you:

/fast forward

Some 50 years later, you are woken up by another robot. A core named Wheatley. Wheatley is a sort of talkative sphere robot that tries to get you out of the facility. In the process of doing so, he made the mistake of waking up GlaDOS. Being only able to remember the last two minutes of her life, GlaDOS bore a sarcastic (funny) hatred towards Chell (you). She then crushes Wheatley and proceeds to continue the tests for "old times sake". In the middle of testing, Wheatley shows up again, apparently unscathed from the GlaDOS' attack earlier, and he helps you to get to her main system to disable her again. When you solve your way through her test chambers, Wheatley asked you to put him into GlaDOS' body (oh grow up!).

Wheatley then exclaims with the power that he has just attained: the power to run the ENTIRE Aperture Laboratories establishment. Apparently though, he rationalized that "he put his life at risk for you, but you didn't do a thing for him", and he got angry. He then transfers GlaDOS (you know what I'll just call her G from now on cuz its easier) into a potato and dumps both of you down... WAAAAY DOWN the incinerator tube.

You land in a place that's been abandoned, way below the surface, where they used to create and invent different products. You then navigate your way up through a series of SERIOUSLY mind numbing puzzles. Along the way, G helps you and even confesses that she doesn't hold a grudge anymore. Eventually find Wheatley in G's body. You disable him (quite like how you disabled her) and succesfully put G back into her body.

The end of Portal 2 shows G talking to you as if she were Caroline. She tells you that she "gives up" and that you can "have your freedom" because you have "been replaced" by testing robots which were built by her so that she can test without them killing her *coughcough*

So then she calls an elevator to bring you up to the surface, and you are never seen again. She sings you another song in the credits, one that I COMPLETELY misunderstood as I was writing the poem. Please excuse my stupidity.

The game in itself is a masterpiece for geeks of all ages! I truly and whole heartedly recommend it to anyone and everyone I know. Please note that I tried to limit what I say so that you will still enjoy the game. I don't want to spoil much of its majesty. Well, yea thats the end of it, I guess. Have your cake.

Go play it. Now. Go. Stop reading this crap. GO PLAY PORTAL.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

!! Impending Hurricane Irene !!

If you live in New York, as I do, then you are either 1) prepared for the category 1 hurricane or 2) have already evacuated.

Truth be told, I'm pretty scared. Not only will New York, more specifically Suffolk County Long island, be hit hard by the winds, there is also a high chance for floods. Several towns and cities have already issued mandatory evacuation, mine however still remains safe. It should not be ignored that this storm WILL cause some damage.

Yesterday, my mom went out to do some emergency shopping to buy the neccesities. You know: water bottles, canned food, water containers, hand wipes, bread and the like. She had to go to 10 different stores just to buy what we need! People are panic buying! So I sugest that if you aren't stocked up as well as you should be, go and find a friend or a relative, preferabbly OUT OF TOWN to stay at.

Here's some things to remember for the hurricane:
- know where your hurricane shelters are! In my case, we can go to Suffolk Community College.
- STOCK UP ON FOOD AND WATER. You need at least 2 gallons of water per person per day.
- STORE WATER IN ALL THINKABLE CONTAINERS. Bathtubs, pails, basins, portable coolers, cheeseball plastic jugs, coffee mate containers, cereal containers ANYTHING!
- Fill ziplock/sandwhich bags with water and fill the freezer up with them. The ice will keep your food frozen longer and will keep them from spoiling.
- STAY AWAY FROM WINDOWS. that is just stupid. Don't even sleep near one.
- designate a safe room for your family. One on the most bottom floor and preferrably with no windows.
- Make sure there are WORKING flashlights in every room. If not, make sure everyone knows where they are. buy batteries, but they are in short supply.
- DO NOT USE CANDLES. Candles are easily tipped over and may cause a fire.
- Keep all important documents (passports, medical records, deeds to houses, contracts, IDs etc) in ziplock bags and in a backpack, ready to go if need be.
- Make sure you have a first aid kit. In my case, my mom bought alcohol, and peroxide in case someone got hurt.
- EXPECT TO HAVE A POWER OUTAGE. Charge all necessities before the power goes out (cellphones, flashlights, radios, entertainment paraphernalia, iPod etc)
- Clear out your balcony/patio/backyard with items that can be easily picked up by the wind. Items such as barbeque grills, bikes, playsets, trampolines, and patio furniture should be brought inside.
- DO NOT DRAIN THE WATER IN YOUR POOL. The water weighs the pool down so that it can't be picked up by the wind.
- KEEP INFORMED. stay on the weaher channel to see the latest happenings and forecasts.
- If there is mandatory evac, LEAVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Don't wait until the rain starts to pour. The smart people leave when the sun is out.


As of yet, mine town is still on warning.
Please Keep Safe Everyone!
May God Bless Us With His Protection!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BJD Archives - Junkyspot Order/Frei's New Eyes!

Here's to firsts at everything!!! :D
This here is my first order of MSC and my first order from Junkyspot!

This is what the order contained:
- MSC Flat
- Glib 16mm Violet eyes (acrylic)
- Marshmallow candy
- 3 Junkyspot cards (which I just realized that they want me to give them out or somethin)

Well anyways, onto the video! <3


Sunday, August 21, 2011

BJD Archives - STOP MOTION - Frei :D

Here's to first attempts at everything!! :D I've been wanting to do one of these before summer ends.... and school starts :'(



Saturday, August 20, 2011

No More Flickr :( + tiny Update

Apparently I've exceeded my upload capacity of 200 photos on Flickr (something I did NOT know about) and I'm too adamant about not taking any of them down. I'll keep the existing pics up for everyone, but I'll try to find a free image hosting site that allows you to view my pictures.

If all else fails, I'll condense the pictures from photoshoots/etc onto videos that I will upload onto YouTube (I'm actually liking this more than the other ideas). A link for my YouTube page is located on the bottom of the page.


Facebook update:
I've made an account for Frei XD (scroll down to bottom of page; there is a link)

This account is purely out of whimisical fun and boredom, and might be my final option for image sharing. On this profile, I'll be giving out constant updates, random blurbs, and whatever I've got on my mind- I mean, Frei's mind ^w^;

HOWEVER, I do have privacy options up to keep trolls and spammers out of her page so you can only view them if you add her as a friend. Please also keep in mind that I will refrain from adding everyone who clicks the sends out a friend request because she is connected to a lot of my friends' personal accounts. Thanks for understanding!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

BJD Archives - Piccys!! XD

:D I know it's been a looooooooong time, but you should be glad to know that I've been having mini photoshoots here and there :) I have only gotten the motivation to post them up now.... and man have they piled up! Well enjoy! (also check out my flickr for others ^w^)

This particular series of pictures includes outdoors scenes and natural settings ;D
Feel free to listen to some music while you veiw~!

I absolutely love this next pic because of the random muffin XD
Photo cred goes to AJ, my friend :3

>:D mwahahahahaha >:D




Hope you guys enjoyes yourself :D
