Aspect Ratio 1:2

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Day of Meaningless Boredom - A Master List of Ideas!

You know that feeling when you're being bombed with tests and you just want school to end? You know, that feeling that just makes you yearn for summer? And all of a sudden, instead of focusing on tests, you start to day dream about all the other things you could be doing instead of all the hard work? Well, sorry kid. What I'm feelin' right now ain't anywhere close to what you're agreeing to. What I'm feeling is....

(And not because I come from an Asian heritage, mind you)

As Phineas and Ferb once said, "There's a 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation, is finding a good way to spend it."

The only problem with that is what I think is a good way to spend my time is to do something that doesn't involve strenuous muscle movement and thinking. (I'm a lazy-butt in case you haven't already figured that out -_-).

I spend most of my morning sleeping, due to the fact that my body clock sleeps at 2 in the AM and wakes up at 10. I crack open the comp or DS to keep me busy until I get hungry. By 12 noon I would have already finished eating lunch in which I proceed to laze around feeling like zombie until 5. Afterwards, I go outside and start to feel the closest to a normal teenager then go home at 8. Scary, I know >.<

Perhaps because of all this nothingness in my day, going back to school would be a blessing because then I'd be actually doing something productive. Honestly, I don't get it when people complain about school (I'm being a total hypocrite here BTW). I would much rather go to school than spend the whole day half-asleep on the couch watching disney channel shows. Really, I would. (save me please T^T)


What I've decided to do is make a Master List of 50 things that you could do to keep you from getting bored ^w^ Here goes nothing *inhale*
(I don't really have 50 things in mind so I kind of stretched it a little towards the end haha)

1) Jump out of bed/ do something different and spontaneous right when you wake up.
2) Water the plants... start your own garden!
3) Organize your room (blech XP)
4) Move the furniture in your room!
5) Take out the craft supplies... and make something!
6) Take out the sewing machine. You'll be surprised what kind of things you'll end up with.
7) Make decorations for your room!
8) Take your dog out for a walk.
9) Hide some of your sibling(s) things and make a game out of it! (make a map or something lol)
10) Try your hand at Magic! Look up videos on youtube and amaze your family!
11) Learn how to solve a rubix cube.
12) Run through the sprinklers!
13) BAKE!!!!!!
14) Think of something you want to buy... then Find ways to get money to buy it.
15) Invite friends over.
16) Swim in your pool!
17) Read something that you wouldn't in normal circumstances (if u read fantasy, then try historical etc)
18) Eat something new.
19) Learn to play an instrument.
20) Play a sport!
21) Learn a new accent... and annoy your parents/sibling(s)!
22) Plan a vacation trip for your family. And when they refuse, make another one anyway. XD
23) Do something you like but put a twist on it!
24) Spend some time outside with friends.
25) Learn a language.

(finally half way done! *phew*)

26) MAKE a language.
27) Write!
28) Have a picnic in the backyard... invite your friends!
29) Host a tea party lol
30) Start a business? EARN MONEY (lawn mowing, walking the dogs, baby sitting etc)
31) Help your dad wash the car (this can actually be pretty fun especially on a hot day)
32) Find a new band/singer to listen to.
33) Be nice to an annoying kid.
34) Watch a movie with friends.
35) Set up a blanket tent and make a hideout XD
36) Pull a prank on you sibling(s)/friend(s)
37) Go bowling!
38) Make rainbow bracelets,
39) Learn to write with your left hand.
40) Learn to write with your feet! (I’d be amazed if you actually accomplish this :o)
41) Learn how to make friendship bracelets.
42) Play a boardgame / card game.
43) Make a piggybank and try to fill it up.
44) Make your own stuffed animals!
45) Repaint your bedroom?
46) Acquire a new pet! (rock XD)
47) Draw and Paint :D
48) Volunteer to make lunch/dinner.
49) Contribute to the list of stuff to keep you from being bored.
50) BLOG!!!!

So that’s it people! 50 things and a random rant about summer! XD

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