Aspect Ratio 1:2

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BJD archives - Doll Shipped

I got this email today:

Hi florescka!

Your Minifee Miyu and extra hands are on the way home!

All the best,

Denver Doll Emporium

A package was shipped to you on 07/26/2011 via U.S. Postal Service Priority


Thank you God Almighty! You are an answered prayer! BJD Box Opening shall ensue *anxiety*


  1. Yay!:D
    I love opening packages, don't you?? :3

  2. Can has pictures? Can't find my phone at the moment but by the time u read this I'll prob be leeching off Eli's phone :)

  3. lol guys pics shall be up in a moment... Box Opening video shall be up by tomorrow! Drawin something too which shall be finished tomorroew! So many things happening all at once! I'm so busy with everything! Thanks for supporting me through this hobby, you guys are amazing people :)
